If you find any problems using the key, please contact the technical team via Telegram, Discord or email to operations@insurace.io .
Project teams or institutional users who need larger traffic, kindly reach out to our marketing/BD team via Telegram, Discord to request for an exclusive key for Partners.
Get $INSUR token information
To get the total and circulating supply of $INSUR, you can call these APIs:
getCirculation : get the sum of $INSUR in circulation on different networks
getTotalAmount : get the sum of all $INSUR on different networks
Retrieve product information
To retrieve product information such as product price, capacity, protocol name and etc. (Access Key required)
getProductList : Return a list of all products covered with details such as product id, name, capacity, product price, etc.
getCurrencyList : Return a list of tokens that can be used to purchase the cover with details such as token name, contract address, etc.
getCoverPremiumV2 : Return the price for a cover.
Buy cover
The full sample code for buying cover using JS code can be found here
You can follow the instruction there to run the test code.
Below is a step-by-step illustration of the JS code:
Step 1: Configuration
Prior to calling the APIs, you need to configure the following parameters first, here is a sample code:
// Configuration
// The JSON RPC URL that connects to an Ethereum node.
const jsonRpcUrl = '';
// The private key of a wallet that is used to purchase this cover.
const privateKey = '';
// The address of InsurAce Cover contract. Please contact InsurAce team to get the contract address.
// Different chains have different addresses.
const contractAddress = '';
// The URL of InsurAce API.
const httpApiUrl = 'https://api.insurace.io/ops/v1';
// The API key that allows consumers to access InsurAce API.
const httpApiCode = '';
// The blockchain that the cover purchase transaction is sent to. Valid values are ETH, BSC,
const chain = 'ETH';
// The address of the token used to specify the cover amount. Please check
// https://api.insurace.io/docs for a list of tokens that can be used to purchase covers.
const coverCurrency = '';
// The address of the token used to purchase this cover. Must be the same as coverCurrency.
const premiumCurrency = '';
// The product IDs for this cover purchase. Can be more than 1 product IDs. Please check
// https://docs.insurace.io/landing-page/documentation/protocol-design/product-design/product-list
// for a complete list of products.
const productIds = [1, 2];
// The cover period (in days) for each product.
const coverDays = [30, 90];
// The cover amount for each product.
const coverAmounts = [utils.parseEther('1000').toString(), utils.parseEther('2000').toString()];
// The wallet addresses protected by the cover for each product. Each product must correspond to
// a wallet addresses (the same wallet address may be specified multiple times).
const coveredAddresses = [];
// The referral code used in this cover purchase, may be null.
const referralCode = null;
httpApiCode: API access key
productIds: Can be more than 1 IDs, which can be retrieved from Product List or by calling getProductList API
coverCurrency: token address can be retrieved by calling getCurrencyList API
Step 2: Call function
To buy covers, you need to use the following functions:
Get the price of the cover by calling getCoverPremium API with the parameters specified in Step 1 includes chain, productIds, coverDays, coverAmounts, coverCurrency, owner wallet address and referralCode.
The full sample code for buying cover using JS code can be found here
You can follow the instruction there to run the test code.
Below is a step-by-step illustration of the JS code:
Step 1: Configuration
Prior to calling the APIs, you need to configure the following parameters first, here is a sample code:
// Configuration
// The JSON RPC URL that connects to an Ethereum node.
const jsonRpcUrl = '';
// The private key of a wallet that is used to cancel the cover.
const privateKey = '';
// The address of InsurAce Cover contract, ask InsurAce team to get address
// different chain has different addresses.
const contractAddress = '';
// The ID of the cover pending to be cancelled.
const coverId = '';
Step 2: Call function
To cancel cover, you need to use the function below:
Cancel the cover with the coverID set in step 1 above.